Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Card

Here it is! 

Aren't "Miss M" and "Little L" adorable? 

I can't tell you how excited I am for Christmas!! It's my absolute favorite holiday of the year! I love the music, the food, hanging out with family, the festivities, etc. It's a magical time! 

"Miss M" is pretty adorable. She keeps doing really nice things for everyone and then says, very excitedly under her breath, "I'm going to get presents!" It's pretty funny ;) lol.

The funny thing about "Little L" is that she totally feeds off of "Miss M's" moods, so she is VERY excited about Christmas too. She keeps running around saying, "Merry Christmas Everybody," well... her own 18-month-old version of that anyway ;)

With only 3 days until Christmas I am starting to panic. I am pretty sure that I need MORE TIME!!

P.S. I'm pregnant!!!


Monarch of MePlease!! said...

YAYAYAYAYAY! Another baby to the Vetter Party!
I am so totally excited for you guys.

Your girls have always been absolutely adorable, so it's always fun hearing the little things they have to say!

Now the question is- whose going to be waking who up at 5 am; you or your girls? Haha

Merry Christmas!!

Monarch of MePlease!! said...


Unknown said...

HUrray and many congrats!!!

Alicia said...

Yay!! So excited for you guys! Can't wait to meet this new little Vetter! It's funny, I can only picture it being a girl, since you have 2 girls and since you LOVE having little girls so much...I'm interested to see what it is!

Congratulations again, and congratulations on not being as sick this time around! =)