Saturday, June 5, 2010

Many "Firsts" and "Lasts"...

May is a time of serious transition when you are in school. We have had many "first" and "last" events in our lives as of late. Laila's first birthday, Laila's first steps, Maddy's last ballet class, Dan's last day of class at HBS, Maddy's preschool graduation, the last time we will be "hall buddies" with the Galbraiths, the last day for Sheldon and Maddy. 

Needless to say...This month has been a whirlwind of emotions! 

Here are a few pics to help document our month...

Last Ballet Class:

Last Day of Class at HBS:

Last Day of Preschool - The Graduation:

Last Crimson Kids Party:

Last days of Laila being a baby and the introduction of Maddy's famous "silly look":

Last days of Maddy and "Sheld":  
(her nickname for him)

Maddy's Third Birthday Party:


Laila's First Birthday Party:

Sheldon and Maddy: D Day

May has been a crazy month. It's been sad to see our life change so drastically but also very exciting. We are moving forward, life keeps going... great, and maybe even better, things are in store for us. 

So, for right now - the Vetter family is looking forward. We are ready for the future... even though there are times I would desperately love to slow time down.


Vivian said...

So what's next in the plans? Moving again, or staying put?

Unknown said...

wow super busy! So where are you headed now?

cecily said...

hey... what week are you going to be here again?? We need to get together.

Alicia said...

Sad. And happy, I mean, I'm happy for YOU guys, but this hurt my heart a little bit. =(

I need those pictures of Maddy and Sheldon! Even just a couple of the best ones - I was looking through my pictures to do a post on them and I don't have any great ones from the last couple of days.

Miss you!!

Monarch of MePlease!! said...

I LOVE your little girls. You are so blessed God lent you and Dan such amazing children!