Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Impossible...

On Saturday we had our annual Girl's Night Half Marathon. You can run a 5K,  6.6 miles, or 13 miles. I ran 6.6 miles! The whole way! I have never, ever, ever run so far! Thanks to my running buddies who kept me going - a shout out to you Tiffany and Carolyn!


Kirk and Jamie said...

That was such a fun morning! Well done running all that way, I was so impressed by you girls. Will you send me the pics Dan took of the group, thanks.

Unknown said...

wow, way to go. I am going to do a 10 k in july.

Monarch of MePlease!! said...

Good on ya! That's a long way even for a bike!! Very very good!

Alicia said...

You did it!! I'm so proud of you. =) I'm so impressed you ran that far! It's awesome that you are still pushing yourself even after 2 kids to go further than you've ever gone. Way to go!