Saturday, April 3, 2010

Hard day, cause to reflect...

We are potty-training again. It was a rough day. I am obviously not cut from the stock of women who find this aspect of motherhood easy.  Tonight I was talking to my friend Dawnell, who always makes me laugh, and she said, "little kids, little problems.." to which I replied, "good point, at least I don't have a pregnant teenager", to which she replied, "and if she keeps peeing in her pants she probably never will be!" It was really funny. 

After a good laugh I started thinking about how fantastic my girls are. I wanted to take a moment to tell them all about who they are at the ripe-old ages of 2 1/2 and 10 months.

Maddy - You are such a wonderful toddler. Strong-willed, yes. Opinionated, yes... but sensitive to others feelings and needs, yes. You are very concerned with the welfare of others. You are always asking us if we are ok. You love Laila, you always want to give her snacks, play with her, share with her.  If you have something, Laila must have something too. You always want to be the first person to see Laila when she wakes up from a nap... you hear her in the monitor and you say (while running up the steps to her room), "Mommy, you go poo-poo on the potty, ine (i'm) gonna get baby yay-yah!" You were really excited when Laila learned to crawl, you came running into the kitchen squealing with delight, "shes crawling, hurry, hurry!" and giggle as you led me back into the living room to witness Laila's progress. You always say things like, "Laila, ine (i'm) so proud of you" as you lovingly stroke her face. You can't say your r's, v's, or l's. Everything you say with those letters is endearing. You love reading books and want to me "keep the door open a little bit" every night so you can read in your crib. Today you came in, very upset with me, saying, "Mommy, don't hit your friends, that is not a good thing to do! You are in big trouble, you're in a big time-out! You need a spankin!" You looked so serious and cute that I had to let you discipline me (you won't get away with it when you are 16, so don't try ;) When daddy comes home you say, "I wanna run to daddy." You walk outside and wait until you see him down the hall, then you run as fast as you can towards him. You are so tenacious and sweet. I adore you so much!


Laila - You are such a dear little baby! You are always laughing, smiling, and snuggling with us. You are honestly so tender-hearted. Today while I was laying on the floor watching Mickey Mouse Club House (you LOVE this show by the way) with you I leaned in to give you a great big hug. I cooed and snuggled my head against your shoulder. You snuggled your head into my shoulder and cooed back. Then we pulled away and smiled at each other, we did that several times. It was precious! You love it when I sing and dance around the room. You love it when Madelyn pays attention to you. You love it when Daddy comes home, we go to the door and watch him come down the hall, you always start giggling and bouncing on my hip. You also know how to say, "all done!", though I am sure you have no idea what it means... you are just superb at repeating it whenever I ask you to. Sometimes you even say it over and over again throughout the day. You love to crawl a few "steps" and then roll the rest of the way to your destination, so funny! You love bath-time with Maddy. Each morning I hear Maddy calling, "Mommy! come get baby yay-yah and Maddy outta here! When I walk in, I see you sitting up in your crib holding onto the bars peering out like a prisoner, you excitedly begin bouncing in anticipation of being set free. I love the satisfied sigh you make when I first put a bottle full of warm milk into you mouth. I basically adore everything about you!

1 comment:

Alicia said...

What darling kids. I have to agree with everything you said (including Dawnell being hilarious, which we have discussed many a-time) =) What sweet little sisters! And it takes a great mom to write a post like this at the end of a rough day, I might add (and I know how rough your day was, I might also add!)! Way to go, you!
Here's to tomorrow - it's going to be a great day, I just know it!! =)